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CS Leadership Accelerator (1)

About the Program

The Customer Success Leadership Accelerator program is an intensive coaching and professional development program designed to help K–12 ed-tech companies build leadership capacity in their non-executive leaders. 

The program creates a collaborative environment for high-performing customer success leaders who share a common commitment to growing their organization and growing as individuals. The program is designed for those who seek to: 

  • Learn forward-thinking strategies from peers who have navigated complex business scenarios
  • Engage in collaborative discussions and business analyses that broaden their functional knowledge 
  • Increase their ability to influence decisions and manage cross-functionally
  • Share approaches for effectively delegating and empowering their team members
  • Enhance their executive presence by continually honing their communication skills and strategic capabilities 


"This program has been instrumental in refining leadership capabilities, strategic thinking, and business acumen among my team. Witnessing the growth in my leaders who've participated, I recommend this program as a nurturing avenue for professional development for all Customer Success leaders."

        Roya Salehi
        VP, Customer Success
        Lexia Learning 

Peer Group Meetings

Members work with a cross-functional cohort of 5 leaders in similar customer success roles at other K–12 ed-tech organizations.  Participants engage in structured business case discussions where they learn from each other's business experience, share new perspectives and provide feedback. 

Program participants are leaders who have responsibility for a major functional area within their department, are people managers, and typically have the title of Director or Senior Manager (depending on company size). 


One-to-One Coaching

The peer group facilitator serves as an executive coach who works with each member to establish their Leadership Growth Plan — a comprehensive document focusing on business objectives, personal leadership objectives, and company priorities. Coaching sessions occur four times per year. In addition, the executive coach meets with each member's manager twice per year. 


Time Commitment Required

The Customer Success Leadership Accelerator program is an intensive professional development opportunity requiring approximately two hours per month (including meeting preparation). Members who invest the necessary time and energy in the process see the strongest benefits. 

  • Executive Peer Group Meetings -- Members meet with their peer group 8 times per year for two hours. 
  • Business Case Preparation -- Each member will have 4-5 opportunities to present a business case to share successes or address a current challenge. 
  • Executive Coaching Sessions -- Members meet with their executive coach four times per year for one hour. 
  • Onboarding -- Members will work with their executive coach to develop a Leadership Growth Plan and Scorecard that will guide their participation in the program and support accountability.


Annual Membership Fee
