Ed-tech Forums
Where Ed-tech Leaders Come to Collaborate
Leadership can be a lonely job. The Ed-tech Leadership Collective's Forum programs provide an opportunity for ed-tech leaders from across the industry to convene, share best practices, gather feedback, and hone their skills. Monthly forums are organized by career level and functional area (see below), ensuring that discussions are relevant and high impact. Sessions are led by a facilitator and are focused on topics driven by member input.
In addition to helping members strengthen their functional skills and knowledge, Forum meetings provide the opportunity to celebrate success, seek support, and gain perspective on the common challenges faced by leaders in similar roles.
Each group meets at specific time/day each month, but members are not required to attend every meeting. Membership highlights include:
- Monthly Zoom session (45-55 min.)
- Timely discussions shaped by members' current challenges
- Safe space to gain perspective and insight
- Flexible attendance policy
- Post-meeting summaries of insights discussed
- Access to exclusive LinkedIn group for members of the program
- Invitations to exclusive in-person and online events sponsored by the Ed-tech Leadership Collective
Executive Forums
Our Executive Forum programs are designed for C-level and VP-level leaders to share leadership challenges from the C-suite vantage point. These groups provide a space for seasoned executives to learn from their peers regarding the challenges of leading within a high-growth ed-tech company.
Executive Forums include:
Leadership Forums
Our Leadership Forum programs are designed for Directors and Senior Managers who lead major functional teams within their department (or may be the head of the department in a small company). These groups provide an environment where emerging leaders can gain perspective and support from peers in similar roles at other companies.
Leadership Forums include:
What to Expect in a Typical Forum Session
The Ed-tech Leadership Collective's Forum programs provide an informative and enjoyable opportunity to let your guard down and learn from your peers. Discussions follow a schedule and framework, but are casual and collegial in nature.
- A typical meeting structure includes:
- Welcome / Member updates (10 min.)
- Facilitator frames the discussion topic (5 min.)
- Group discussion (30 min.)
- Reflection and Wrap-up –- Members provide brief written and verbal reflections on the day's discussion (5 min.)
- Members can anticipate having between 7-12 other members at each session. However, since attendance is not mandatory, some meetings may have fewer attendees and will present the opportunity for in-depth discussion and group coaching.
- Confidentiality is critical and all members must agree to the Collective's Confidentiality Policy prior to joining the program.
- Following each meeting, Forum program members will be provided with a one-page summary of the insights shared during the meeting. No proprietary or company-confidential information is shared in the meetings or any of the post-meeting documents.