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"Our Executives in the Program are Leading with Clarity" 

Trisha Thomas (Reading Horizons) shares the C-suite perspective on how the Ed-tech Leadership Collective is fostering confidence and clarity in Reading Horizons' key leaders and across the organization. 

Consider Participating in the Collective

Schedule a conversation to explore which programs might be a good fit for your organization. 


"It Reframed the Way I Was Showing Up"

One of Trisha's team members, Jon Diaz, participates in the Product Leadership Accelerator. Listen as Jon discusses how the 1-to-1 coaching and feedback from industry peers have reframed his leadership approach and set him up for success.

Hear Jon's Story


"Surrounded by a Community of Peers"

Members become part of a community of leaders who share the similar professional experiences and values. Listen as members from Amplify, Reading Horizons, Zaner-Bloser and LiveSchool discuss the powerful impact this network of leaders is having on their professional life.

Hear Their Stories

More Information on the Leadership Accelerator Program

Multiple members of the Reading Horizons team participate in the Ed-tech Leadership Collective's Leadership Accelerator programs. 

Members work with a cohort of 5 leaders in similar roles at other K–12 ed-tech organizations. Participants receive one-to-one coaching and meet regularly with their peer group to engage in structured business case discussions and learn from each other. 

Marketing Leadership Accelerator

Product Leadership Accelerator (Product, Curriculum and Engineering)

Customer Success Leadership Accelerator (Customer Success, Implementation and Customer Support)

Executive Leadership Accelerator (Cross-functional group of C-Suite and SVP level leaders) 

Functional Leadership Forums

Our Functional Leadership Forum programs are designed for Directors and Senior Managers who lead major functional teams within their department (or may be the head of the department in a small company). These monthly facilitated discussion groups (50m) provide an environment where functional leaders can gain perspective and support from peers in similar roles at other K-12 ed-tech companies.

Functional Leadership Forums include: